Lunar New Year Festival of Lamps & Get Together "Yu Sheng Lao Qi" Celebration
25.02.2024 (Sunday), 8:00am 至 1:00pm
- Online Registration -

The ‘Light’ means brightness. It also denotes the light or lamp offered to the Buddhas.

In Buddhist scriptures, light is always used to signify the wisdom of the Lord Buddha. In the Great Parinirvana Sutra, it is stated that: “obscured by darkness of ignorance, sentient beings fail to realize wisdom; Buddha lit the lamp of Dharma, enlightens the Bodhisattvas to the path of Nirvana, the eternal bliss and purity”. It is said that to offer light to Buddhist stupas, Buddha images and Buddhist scriptures, one will reap immense merits. Further to this, in the Ekottara-Agama Sutra it is stated that: “When Buddha Dipankara was a Senior Bikkhu in his past life, diligently he offered light to the Treasury Buddha everyday, and he received the prophecy of becoming a Buddha”.

Therefore, come and lit a Lamp of Merits, make offerings to the Lord Buddha and chant the names of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas in the Repentance Sutra for this Lunar New Year. One will attain longevity, virtues, enhance wisdom, avoid premature or accidental death, and dispel all negative karmas created.

Pu Ji Si will be celebrating the Lunar New Year Festival of Lamps and Get Together “Yu Sheng Lao Qi” Ceremony. All are welcome to join us on this special propitious day.

Date: 25.02.2024
Location: Pu Ji Si BRC 2nd floor Main Hall

08:00am - Chanting of Medicine Buddha Sutra
10:30am - Offering of prayers and Chanting of the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Sutra
11:15am - Offering to Buddha
12:00pm - Vegetarian lunch for all
01:00pm - End of Celebration

 *** All are welcome to participate or make enquiries ***

Offering ItemsDedicationAmount
Offering DanaPer Family (Max 10 Names)$100 - $300
Offering DanaPer Name$10
Offering LampPer Name$5
Offering IncensePer Name$5
Offering FlowerPer Name$5
Pledge, Blessing, Dispel Calamity and Thanksgiving1 - 10 Names$20 -$120

You may register online or contact our admin office directly during office hours for further details:

Office Tel: 6746 6211            Office hours: Daily 8 am – 4:30pm except Thursday 8am -1pm

Register Online