Memorial Hall
1. Application for new tablet registration is available for donors and members of the public. Please submit your application to our administrative office for approval. New tablets are classified into the following category:
• Type A (S$8,888) : 13cm x 30cm (W x H) - FULL
Option 1 : Ancestor's surname + 1 to 4 names (no photograph)
Option 2 : 1 to 6 names (no photograph)
• Type B / C (S$6,800) : 10cm x 23cm (W x H)
Option 1 : Ancestor's surname + 1 to 2 names (no photograph)
Option 2 : 1 to 4 names (no photograph)
2. All of our tablet are exquisitely designed to be fire resistant and durable. Individual ancestor's tablet has their own tablet LED light (24hrs) and computerized tablet location search.
3. All subscribers are to abide to the terms and conditions set by the management. Written approval for cancellation and termination is required. Please refer to our terms and conditions printed on the application form for reference.
4. Annual administration and management fee:
• For 1 Ancestor’s tablet : S$40 per annum
• For 2 Ancestor's tablets and above (registered under the same subscriber) : S$75 per annum
• Chanting service by Sangha for the deceased on every 1st & 15th of the lunar month.
• 24 hours lights on for the ancestor’s LED light.
• Monthly cleaning and daily offering of incense
• Administration and Management service.
Please contact our administrative office should you have any inquiries or visit our Centre for further discussion.
Tel : 6746 6211 (8:00am - 4:30pm daily except every Thursday 8:00am - 1:00pm)
Address : 39 Lorong 12 Geylang, Singapore 399012